(868) 3132771
Guests are not allowed to entertain other persons on the property or premises at anytime except for those mentioned at the time of booking.
The first night's deposit will be charged on the day of booking. This is non-refundable. The conversion rate from USD to TTD is $6.80.
Payments can be made via Pay-pal, Online Banking or Direct Deposit.
The balance must be paid at least 48 hours before arrival.
Deposits are non-refundable. For local guests if cancelled before 7 days of arrival guest will have a grace period of 60 days to reserve another stay for the same duration of time.
There is no grace period or refunds for no-shows.
For international guests if cancelled 7 days before arrival guest will have a grace period of 1 year to reserve another stay for the same duration of time.
There is no grace period or refunds for no-shows.
Children under 5 years sharing a bed with the parents stay free of charge. If using existing kiddie beds the rate will be US $8.00/TT$50.00 per night.
Children are not allowed in the kitchen or dining area except for meal times and must be accompanied by an adult.
We ask kindly that parents prevent their children from being a disturbance to other guests and hosts alike.
Loud music or sound pollution of any type is prohibited on the premises and facilities.
Smoking is strictly prohibited in the rooms and in all common areas.