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(868) 3132771
The Leatherback Lodge
Eco Bed & Breakfast
"Arrive as guests, leave as friends"
Neville & Nella
The Leatherback Lodge Eco B&B is our private residence and we absolutely enjoy opening our home to guests from right here in T&T and all around the world. Consider the Leatherback Lodge your home while you are here.
Dot & Ben (AKA Dottie & Benny)
Dot and Ben are people friendly and love it when there are guests at the Leatherback Lodge..... They are great with children and adults alike.
Rio AKA "The Concierge"
Rio who thinks he's a dog is known for his friendly disposition. He too, is amazing with people. He is certainly not your average feline. He loves his brother and sister and they all get along famously.
Meet the Leatherback Lodge's Family.....
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